Welcome to helix.org. My name is Rhys Arnold.
This web gallery is a place where from time to time I will display augmented reality images that you may want to view or download.
This web gallery is a place where from time to time I will display augmented reality images that you may want to view or download.
I hope you get as much pleasure out of the images as I did while making them. I have particular favourite’s which I have re-worked several times (most notably Kaitawa and Strands). Some of the older images displayed are possibly a bit cringe-worthy now, however, I have left them on the site for completeness (I dumped the really bad images). The website does not contain everything I have done. I will publish other images over time.
You are free to take a personal copy of the images on this site subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Licence. If you wish to use the images commercially, you will need to contact me and we will need to agree on appropriate compensation. If your commercial interest is contrary to my own ethics, I will not under any circumstances agree to any of my work being used (you have been warned!)
And now for something different.... at one stage I thought the site should have some music (well, at least, some structured noise). So with great thanks to Apple's Garageband I have also included a couple of (incomplete) MP3's of a couple of song ideas in progress. These are not released under Creative Commons.
You are free to take a personal copy of the images on this site subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Licence. If you wish to use the images commercially, you will need to contact me and we will need to agree on appropriate compensation. If your commercial interest is contrary to my own ethics, I will not under any circumstances agree to any of my work being used (you have been warned!)
And now for something different.... at one stage I thought the site should have some music (well, at least, some structured noise). So with great thanks to Apple's Garageband I have also included a couple of (incomplete) MP3's of a couple of song ideas in progress. These are not released under Creative Commons.